You must then elect to use TinyMCE in your 'editing' preferences. Note: The patch don't is nesesary for mediawiki 1.37+
If you install this extension is very important you aplicate the next patch Require_once " $IP /extensions/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.php" $wgTinyMCEEnabled = true If you are using MediaWiki 1.27 or higher, add the following line to your LocalSettings.php file: Please note, this extension is only tested on versions from LTS 1.31, and may well not work on earlier versions. To get Version 1.1 as a 'zip' file please click here. Planned developments include integration with Parsoid and the ability to interact intelligently with MediaWiki templates when inserting them. Instructions for advance configuration can be found here. Those looking for documentation for earlier versions will them in the following locations for versions before V1.0 and version V1.0. The extension also allows users to access TinyMCE plugins produced by Ephox or third parties. This includes the ability to have multiple editor instances on a single page (in both page view mode and in forms) with different configurations for each editor instance if desired.

However, for more advanced uses, developers are also given total control over the configuration of TinyMCE from LocalSettings.php. TinyMCE can be used 'out of the box' by following the installation instructions below.

For example, they may want to integrate their wikis in an environment where other tools may already use TinyMCE, such as Angular, Bootstrap Django, Rails, React, Swing, Vue, Joomla and Wordpress to name a few. The TinyMCE extension provides users with an alternative to the standard VisualEditor. The editor can be added to the standard edit page, to forms defined by the Page Forms extension, and to regular pages in view mode. TinyMCE is a MediaWiki extension that lets users edit wiki pages using version 5 of the popular open source JavaScript-based WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE created by Ephox corp. Prüfe die Benutzungs- und Versionsmatrix. Übersetze die TinyMCE-Erweiterung, wenn sie auf verfügbar ist